Phil Dring


Head of Sales

How would you describe your role?

My role is to build and maintain relationships with key suppliers who operate and sell in our target markets. Work with those supplier’s customers to best understand the challenges they face from a procurement perspective and structure funding options that will allow them to proceed through their internal approval process. Finally, to identify new markets and develop bespoke and sometimes unique funding structures that provide a genuine funding solution for key procurement projects.

What do you love most about your job?

People, its always people. Often SAF finds itself as the conduit between suppliers, customers and underwriters, the most satisfying part of the job is working with a range of people who have different motivations but the same end-goal. I enjoy observing how people go about their work and figuring out how to get the most out of different characters in different situations.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever received?

‘Don’t stress about the things you can’t control’ – sometimes easier said than done but ultimately your time and energy are better served on what you can influence or achieve, not what you can’t.

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