Pay Per Use funding solution

Providing suppliers of healthcare equipment and modern methods of construction

with a funding solution which can be specifically tailored to the NHS.

Are you an NHS Trust?
Are you a supplier?

What is the SAF PPU funding solution?

The SAF PPU solution unlocks the option for NHS trusts to utilise Revenue Budgets for large Modern Methods of Construction projects or medical equipment – often leveraged to quickly enhance capacity, while following the principles of the IFRS 16 regulations.

At SAF, our team has more than 20 years of experience in providing funding solutions for the NHS, having funded over £750m in sales within the modular building sector. We understand the challenges faced when it comes to navigating complex financial structures and regulations which ensures we find the optimal outcome for both our supplier partners and NHS Trusts.

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I’m a supplier – how do I know the PPU Solution is the right option for me?

For modular construction and medical equipment suppliers who are faced with an end user who doesn’t have the available capital budget to fund new investment, SAF will work closely with internal sales teams to produce an alternative procurement route via a Pay Per Use solution.

We begin with a detailed discussion with the supplier to establish a PPU solution for the NHS Trust or Health Board that removes the need for CDEL allocation to fund the project.

Working alongside the implementation process, SAF undertakes a usage workshop with key stakeholders at the Trust/Health Board to identify robust usage levels and costs.

Once the project gets approval the supplier does what they do best ensuring the new facility is installed onsite within the desired timeframe.

The final seal of approval is to recognise the full sale – then the Trust can begin using their new facility or equipment.

By offering their NHS customer base an alternative procurement via a Pay Per Use solution, modular construction suppliers can…

  • Close more sales cycles by removing the challenges around Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit allocation
  • Enhance relationships with the NHS by showing a deeper appreciation and understanding of their financial challenges
  • Improve credibility and sector-wide authority by understanding – and responding to a complex financial landscape
  • A bespoke, branded solution that suits the individual needs of each end-user

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I’m an NHS Trust – how do I know the PPU Solution is the right option for me?

When working with NHS Trusts, we take the time to understand individual requirements and key financial drivers to create a bespoke solution that ensures a positive outcome.

We collaborate closely with the Trust to provide all the required information allowing them to produce a detailed business case for the required investment. This includes:

  • Working alongside auditors to support the viability of the PPU solution
  • Presenting contractual documentation and hosting a usage workshop with key stakeholders to understand the predicted usage of the new facility or equipment.
  • Support getting the agreement approved
  • Working with suppliers to deliver the new facility or equipment within the required timeframe.

Then the Trust are provided with access and can begin using their new facility or equipment.

By investing in new facilities and equipment via a dedicated Pay Per Use solution, NHS Trusts can…

  • Remove the need for CDEL allocation by investing utilising revenue budgets
  • Increase hospital capacity supported with the right to use an asset or facility
  • Enhance patient care through investment in essential new equipment or facilities
  • Help to reduce waiting times and tackle the surgical backlog with increased capacity
  • Only pay for the facility or equipment when you use it – with no penalty for non-usage

Visit our range of case studies

IFRS 16 leasing changes – what do they mean?

IFRS 16 is an International Financial Reporting Standard for leases and marks the elimination of off-balance sheet accounting previously used for Operating leases.

IFRS 16 brings a significant change to financial statements and how a business should recognise, measure, present and disclose leases. This reporting standard introduces a single lessee accounting model, requiring lessees to recognise assets and liabilities on their balance sheet.

Under this standard, any business entering a lease is required to recognise this on its balance sheet for both Operating and Finance leases. This not only impacts the balance sheet of the financial statements, but also has an impact on asset financing, IT systems and processes.

How can SAF Solutions support the IFRS 16 changes?

SAF Solutions is the UK’s leading finance provider for medical equipment and modular healthcare construction across the NHS through flexible finance agreements. Our team of experts has extensive knowledge of complex procurement frameworks across the healthcare sector.

In light of this, we are well placed to support both suppliers and end-users navigate the impact of the IFRS 16 accounting change through our Pay Per Use solution.

In short, the accounting change means the NHS are required to utilise their Capital Departmental Expenditure Limit (CDEL) for the total cost of any new equipment or building purchases, even if the finance agreement is spread over several years.

Through our Pay Per Use solution (PPU), we can implement a funding option that allows an NHS Trust to utilise Revenue Budgets for clinical capacity or equipment upgrade projects, taking into account and remaining compliant with the latest accountancy change.

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